Thank You

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I’d like to say thanks to everyone who has written in with kind comments about these pages, and those of you who have corrected me when I have wandered astray. I have decided to end things, more or less, on this blog, while I expand the memories I have on our times in West Virginia and Parkersburg in particular. There are things that I could not talk about in the larger forum of the Internet that I can address in book form. So that’s what I’m doing, making all of this into a real book.

But don’t stop coming to these pages! I still have questions which I will put up here as I go along. I hope you will recommend this site to others who grew up with us or those who came later who might like to see how we did grow up. It’s difficult to keep from writing like an old geezer who rants on about how wonderful a time we had, but really, in so many ways it was a wonderful time.

If anyone would like to read any of my fiction, my books can be found on Amazon. Just click on the underlined text here. If anyone would like to reach me for anything, you can comment here or you can email me at

Rest assured, I will be working on this book and I will let everyone know when it is finished.

Thank you all!